Monday, February 23, 2009

Voice of the People

Monday, February 23rd 2009 From

Charge of the jungle?
Corona: Suppose Travis the chimp had been shot dead two months ago. Would the New York Post have run this same cartoon while President George W. Bush - whom some called "chimp" - was pushing his stimulus bill?
Melanie N. Lee

No joke
Jamaica: The Post's cartoon was reprehensible and insulting to our black brothers and sisters as well as whites like me. The worst offense was that it wasn't even funny.
Justine Cullinan

Post mortem
Hollis: If I were stranded on a desert island and the only thing available was the New York Post, I would not even use it for toilet tissue - much less read it. I am not in the least surprised it would print a cartoon comparing President Obama to a monkey. The Post is showing its true, dangerously racist colors.
Leonard Wills

Desperate times
Brooklyn: The economic meltdown is real. If we don't do something drastic, American life will be permanently altered. President Obama's stimulus package may not be perfect, but at the very least it will save education and create millions of jobs.
Louisa McCabe

Fooled again
Ridgewood: I understand the outrage some Republicans feel about paying for others' mistakes in the mortgage bailout. With this financial mess and the bogus war in
Iraq, Americans are paying for two of President George W. Bush's mistakes.
Herbert Weldon

Crouch: Cartoon makes monkey out of defenders

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